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Please Help Support Found Kitty Lou’s Life Saving C-section

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Lou was found scared, mostly blind, and very pregnant during a very hot week. Bark Bark Club staff has been caring for her while she prepared to have her EIGHT babies. She is loving, curious, so sweet, and loves screaming for her food.


Today, Lou went into labor and after pushing for hours with no results, she was rushed to the emergency vet. Due to her small stature, the amount, and the size of kittens, it was determined that she could not naturally give birth. There was a kitten stuck in her canal, and if we did not act fast, Lou or her kittens would not survive. The only option was a C-section surgery to try to save Lou's life and as many kittens as we could. Due to the severity of the surgery, we were quoted $10,000-$12,000. We believe she deserves to live a long, loving, safe life, and will do anything we can to make sure she gets it, along with her kittens.


Please help support this life-saving surgery so Lou and her kittens can have the lives that they deserve!




Lou made it through her c-section surgery successfully and is recovering! While we are sad to say that five of her kittens did not make it, we are happy that three made it through the night and she is currently nursing them. Thank you for all of your continued support! We couldn't do this without you!

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